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9–12 Months: Your Baby Actively Explores Their World


Your baby is very curious about everything. They are beginning to take control of their body through crawling, climbing, cruising (moving about while holding on to supporting objects, furniture, etc.), and beginning steps toward walking alone.

As they explore, remember to talk to them about their surroundings. Say the names of things, such as "bathtub" or "eyes, nose, mouth," and listen to their responses. Your baby is ready for simple instructions such as "stop," "sit down," "wave bye-bye," "get up" and "come here." They will gradually begin saying words that you can recognize: "mama," "dada," "ba-ba," "baby" and "bird." Don't forget to smile and praise them when they learn something new or do something well. They will be learning big things and little things every day!

If you are a breastfeeding mom/family, you should know that Tennessee families now have a new statewide resource to support their efforts to breastfeed babies: The Tennessee Breastfeeding Hotline, which is now available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The toll- free number is 1-855-4BF-MOMS (1-855-423-6667). The hotline is staffed by International Board Certified Lactation Consultants and Certified Lactation Counselors who can provide up-to-date information and support and to address common questions and concerns about breastfeeding.


Things Your Child May Do at This Age

  • Explore and handle objects: wave, shake, twist, turn, squeeze, poke and even put them in their mouth
  • Crawl while holding a toy
  • Pick up small objects between thumb and one or two fingers (although not with ease)
  • Take steps alone; walk like a robot
  • Pull string to get a toy at the other end
  • Move a toy from one hand to the other
  • Hold two toys at the same time; maybe hit them together
  • Crawl up stairs
  • Begin to say some words
  • Walk if one or both hands are held
  • Pull themselves up to stand and move while holding on to furniture (cruising)



A very important skill that babies begin to develop at this age is to recognize that a word stands for something else. For example, "Mama" means the person—my mama; “ba-ba” means milk.


Safety First!

  • Limit your baby's time in playpens, jump seats or behind a gate.
  • Supervise them when crawling or cruising. They could fall down stairs, bump into things or pull things over on themselves, 
  • such as pots on the stove.
  • Remove dangerous items (such as houseplants or cleaning products) that are within their reach so you can cut down on the 
  • times you have to say "no" or "don't touch."
  • Start offering a plastic drinking cup instead of a bottle. Your baby's teeth are beginning to come in, and a bottle can lead to 
  • poor mouth development.
  • Avoid giving them too many snacks as a way that they can occupy themselves when they are bored or when you are busy.
  • Lock doors and cabinets as your baby begins to cruise and climb. Remember: Any tools, knives, firearms, matches or 
  • lighters can be deadly to your little one. These objects must be safely stored in an area your child cannot open.
  • Always use a car seat when your child is riding in a car. Never leave your child in the car alone.


Toys for This Age

  • Pots, pans and wooden spoons
  • Stacking blocks
  • Push-/pull-type toys
  • Cardboard books


Health Hints

Well-Baby Checkups: Be sure to see your baby’s doctor at 9 months and 12 months.


Things You Can Do Every Day to Help Your Child Grow

  • Remember to encourage your baby to talk when you ask a question or if you’re trying to locate something: "Would you like to go outside?" or "Can you find your doll?"
  • Expand your daily reading materials and think numbers: "Let's read one book."
  • When you use a new word, use it several times so the child hears it repeated, such as, “Where are your shoes? Can you find your shoes? There are your shoes [pointing]. Bring mama your shoes.” Be sure to wait a few seconds between each sentence; allow the new word to sink in.
  • Remember, your baby must learn about these things: hot and cold, up and down, in and out, empty and full, stand and sit, wet and dry, and big and little. Spend time showing these ideas to them. 
  • Encourage your baby to crawl, climb and cruise by providing safe places both indoors and outdoors. Be sure to supervise!
  • Help them understand relationships by explaining how things work: "The stove is hot. It will burn and hurt you," or "When we turn the light on, we can see better."
  • Identify colors and objects whenever possible. Say, "See the red truck."
  • Include daily games such as “Pat-a-Cake,” “Itsy Bitsy Spider,” “This Little Piggy Went to Market,” “So Big,” “Ring Around the Rosie,” “One, Two, Buckle My Shoe” and “Pop Goes the Weasel.”