
Related Services

4 Years (48–51 Months): Your Child Refines Their Skills


By age 4, your child's movements are becoming steadier. They are able to place blocks with a steady hand and build straight towers. Many skills are becoming more refined. They like to examine objects, explore around the neighborhood, and use tools and equipment found around the house. They will be interested in more active and rougher games. Remember that it is important to supervise them even though they are becoming more able to do things on their own and can play for longer periods by themselves. Many of the things they will want to do—and which will provide them with increased learning experiences—could also lead to possible accidents.

A preschool or Head Start program will give them valuable time in learning and playing in groups of other children their own age. Ask your neighbors and friends about preschool programs for your child.


Safety First!

• Continue to provide supervision. Model and teach good safety practices.
• Keep dangerous items locked up or out of the reach of children: 
o All medicines
o Matches and lighters 
o Electric fans 
o Guns
o Knives
o Scissors
o Cleaning products

• Always lock away all firearms. Make sure they are unloaded when you put them away.
• Keep products in their original containers with their labels.
• Never transfer poisons or cleaning materials to food or drink containers, boxes, jars or bottles.
• Be sure to have your child wear a helmet and other safety gear when roller-skating or riding a bike!!
• Never refer to medicine as candy. Make sure all medicines are stored so children cannot get to them, and be sure prescription bottles have childproof lids so your child cannot open them.
• Always buckle your child in the back seat. Most children outgrow their car seat around age 4. If your child weighs less than 80 pounds and their head is below the back of the seat, a booster seat should be used.
• Be careful not to allow children into areas that have been sprayed for pests.


Health Hints

Well Baby Checkup: 48 months (Do it now!)
Continue to encourage your child to eat healthy foods. Your child still needs supervision to be sure they brush their teeth regularly and wash their hands after using the restroom. It’s very important to start good eating, dental and personal cleanliness habits at this young age.


Things You Can Do Every Day to Help Your Child Grow

• Read to them every day!  Let them pretend to read their favorite story to you.
• Talk about things that happened yesterday and will happen tomorrow.
• Practice tying shoes.
• Play “Follow the Leader.”
• Practice combing hair.
• Encourage digging and planting. Your child can learn many things from a garden (even a small pot with a plant). Your child will enjoy seeing the plants grow and can take pride in helping by watering them.
• Cut up pictures from magazines to make puzzles.
• Allow time for them to play make-believe.
• Teach them how to use roller skates and to ride a bicycle with training wheels. Be sure your child wears a helmet and safety gear.
• Have them tell a story about a picture they have drawn. Write the story under the picture and put it up on the refrigerator or wall for to others to see.
• Turn off the TV before a show's end and allow them to describe and act out their own ending.
• Design and make a color card game.
• Provide lots of playtime with other children, which encourages sharing and establishes friendships.