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6–9 Months: Your Baby Begins to Explore Their World


During this time, your baby is continuing to learn about their world. They will probably start to crawl around and may pull up on furniture. Make sure their world is safe. 

If you are a breastfeeding mom/family, you should know that Tennessee families now have a new statewide resource to support their efforts to breastfeed babies: The Tennessee Breastfeeding Hotline, which is now available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The toll- free number is 1-855-4BF-MOMS (1-855-423-6667). The hotline is staffed by International Board Certified Lactation Consultants and Certified Lactation Counselors who can provide up-to-date information and support and to address common questions and concerns about breastfeeding.


Safety First!

  • Cover unused electrical outlets with plastic inserts.
  • Lock away cleaning products and medicines.
  • Make sure they can't pull things over onto themselves.
  • Pick up small items that could choke them.
  • Keep the bathroom door closed and the lid down on the toilet.
  • Place child safety latches on drawers and cabinet doors.

Watch him carefully! Major accidents can occur in seconds, so don't leave them unsupervised. 


Things Your Baby May Do at This Age

  • Sit up without help
  • Stand up while holding onto your hands
  • Stand up on your lap and bounce
  • Fuss if you take something away from them
  • Recognize a familiar voice
  • Eat a cracker by themselves
  • Play pat-a-cake
  • Play with their hands and feet         

Literacy (being able to read and communicate) begins now! Your child needs to be held, talked to and given a calm, loving home. Provide cloth or cardboard books for your child.  


Special Note

They may be afraid of strangers and not want you to leave. If you must leave your child, remember to say good-bye and remind them that you will come back. They still have to learn that objects out of sight will appear again.

If you need childcare, be sure that your child receives quality care. Your child's caregiver should be providing age-appropriate activities for your child as well as a clean, safe and loving atmosphere.


Lots of Fun!

Play games with your baby, such as:

  • One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
  • Peek-a-Boo
  • This Little Piggy Went to Market
  • Pat-a-Cake


Start a Healthy Teeth Habit Now!

After meals, first teeth can be wiped with a clean, damp cloth or brushed with a very soft, tiny infant toothbrush moistened with water. Avoid toothpaste until they learn to spit it out; otherwise, it could make them sick.


Health Hints

Well-Baby Checkups: At 6 months and 9 months, your baby should visit the doctor.


Things You Can Do Every Day to Help Your Baby Grow

  • Read to them daily. Show them pictures in books; point to and name the people, as well as other things in the picture books.
  • Roll a ball to them. As they grow and get used to the game, they will try to roll the ball back to you.
  • Hide a ball or other object under a blanket while they are watching you and let them find it. They will learn that objects out of sight don't disappear forever.
  • Give them a metal pan and show them how to bang on it. Let them have fun making the sounds.
  • Place them on the floor on their stomach. Encourage them to move toward you by clapping your hands and laughing. Crawling is needed to develop other skills.
  • Place round oat cereal (such as Cheerios) on their high chair tray and let them practice picking it up and putting it in their mouth. Their eye and hand muscles will get strong and begin to work together.
  • Let them practice dropping unbreakable things like soft balls over the side of the bed or high chair in order to learn what happens when they drop something.