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3–6 Months: Your Baby Responds to His or Her Surroundings


As your baby grows, they will begin to make sounds like "bah-bah-bah," "da-da-da" and "ma-ma-ma." This is called babbling and is the beginning of meaningful speech. They will become more social, kicking their feet and waving their arms whenever they see or hear someone they know. If they hear a noise, they will turn their head toward the sound. It is important for you to be relaxed and cheerful as you care for them. You are sharing special moments of fun and love. Your touch and your voice are helping them learn to relax and enjoy life.

If you are a breastfeeding mom/family, you should know that Tennessee families now have a new statewide resource to support their efforts to breastfeed babies: The Tennessee Breastfeeding Hotline, which is now available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The toll- free number is 1-855-4BF-MOMS (1-855-423-6667). The hotline is staffed by International Board Certified Lactation Consultants and Certified Lactation Counselors who can provide up-to-date information and support and to address common questions and concerns about breastfeeding. 


Things Your Baby May Do

  • Reach for toys or people
  • Laugh out loud
  • Roll over
  • Turn toward a familiar voice
  • Hold head steady
  • Babble and coo
  • Notice small objects
  • Push up with arms while on their stomach
  • Sit up straight with help
  • Begin to focus on patterns in black and white


Safety First!

  • Hold your baby when you give them a bottle. Do not prop the bottle up with pillows or other objects.
  • When your baby can sit up, remove all toys that are strung across the crib. They might become tangled in the strings.

Remember: Handle your baby gently, even in play. Shaking a baby or jolting them by tossing them in the air can cause brain damage.


Toys You Can Make or Buy

  • Small rattles
  • Fabric balls
  • Brightly colored pictures to cut out and place on walls
  • Music boxes
  • Soft, squeaky toys
  • Cloth books


Health Hints

  • Don’t forget to take your baby to the doctor for well-baby checkups at 4 months and 6 months. 
  • Your child may begin cutting new teeth. This can make them very uncomfortable. They may run a temperature, have an upset stomach, be fussy or cry. Offer a teething ring that has been placed in the refrigerator. Be patient with them!


  • The AAP recommends that babies be exclusively breastfed for about the first 6 months of life. This means that your baby needs no additional food (except Vitamin D) or fluids unless medically indicated. If you are a breastfeeding mom/family and need additional support or information, see our Breastfeeding article or call The Tennessee Breastfeeding Hotline (1-855-4BF-MOMS (1-855-423-6667)). 


Things You Can Do Every Day to Help Your Baby Grow

  • Read to your baby. Cuddle your child in your lap and hold the book so both of you can see it. Change your voice to show happiness, sadness or other feelings, as you act out different characters in the story. Point to the characters in the book and talk about what they are doing.
  • Play peek-a-boo. Laugh when your baby laughs.
  • Hold them in your arms and dance around slowly. They will enjoy the movement and closeness.
  • Make sure they are put in a safe place, such as on a blanket, when on the floor. Now they can move around freely and exercise their arms and legs.
  • When your baby hears sounds around the house, show and tell them what they are. For example, point out popcorn popping, music playing on the radio, birds singing or a plane flying in the sky.
  • Soothe them when they cry. First, check to see if they are hungry or wet and take care of those needs. If they still cry, rock them or walk with them cradled in your arms. Rub their tummy or back to ease them. Sing or talk to them as you calm them. You will see a difference in your child’s crying; be observant and listen. Sometimes you can tell if the baby is wet, tired or has an upset stomach.
  • Talk to them while they’re awake. Share what you are doing—for example, say, "Mama is sweeping the floor so that the house will be nice and clean."
  • Hang a mobile over your baby's bed that has pictures of you, your baby and your family. Change the mobile photos to pictures of objects like trucks, dolls and animals, or to simple patterns you draw in black, white and red. (See directions below for making a mobile.) 


Making a Simple Mobile From Objects Found at Home

You will need:

  • Plastic clothes hanger
  • String – Cut in 6-inch lengths
  • Glue – Washable school glue
  • Plastic lids to coffee cans or butter tubs
  • Pictures of family or pictures of objects (can be cut from a child's coloring book); simple patterns in black, white or red are recommended for this age


  1. Glue pictures onto both sides of the lids of the coffee can or butter tub. Make sure there are no rough edges on the lids.
  2. Punch a small hole at the top of the lid. Pull the string through the hole and tie it (a dab of glue on the knot will keep the string from coming undone).
  3. Tie the other end of the string to the middle and the ends of the clothes hanger.
  4. Hang the mobile so that your child can see it.