CADAS Scholze Adolescent Center


Our Prevention Program takes great strides to ensure the quality of our program and in meeting the needs of the individuals that we serve. We assist teens & families in making positive changes that they identify through the education & counseling they receive. We strive to bring families closer together, open up and improve communication within the teen’s social & family systems, as well as help to prevent the overall destructive nature and life deterioration that results from substance misuse.

Eligibility Requirements

The CADAS Prevention Program is geared towards prevention, providing group education for youth, ages 12 to 18 years of age, who have been identified as high risk, are exhibiting behavioral problems that could be related to alcohol & other drug use, or for first time offenders of substance use issues who have minimal but detectable signs or symptoms foreshadowing disorder or have biological markers indicating predispositions for disorder but do not yet meet diagnostic levels. The Prevention Program consists of 20 one (1) hour group sessions that meet multiple times during the week. The program is implemented in a group setting with 12 or fewer participants in each group. Topics covered in group include: Education on the most commonly abused drugs (alcohol, marijuana, prescription pills, synthetic drugs, & methamphetamines); Consequences of substance use; Refusal skills & identification of positive relationships and activities; Expressing healthy emotions; Positive communication skills with family & others; Conflict resolution skills & anger management; Goal setting & making changes that last; Improving & reconnecting family relationships. These groups are held in both a community and school-based setting.

How to get started

  1.  Phone
  2.  Email
  3. Other
  4. Find the location closest to you below, and use their contact information.

Ages Served

  • Ages 11-13
  • Ages 14-16
  • Ages 17-18

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