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21–24 Months: Your Toddler Learns to Use New Words


During the next year, your baby will learn to say about 300 new words. Your baby is learning how to use words and putting them into short sentences. They have learned to say "no!" In fact, "no" may be one of their favorite words. They like to show others all the things they can do. They will continue to ask many "what," "where" and "why" questions. Be very careful when you talk because they will learn to say what they hear you say.


Special Note

Remember, praising and being a good example for your child are much better teachers than using a loud voice and punishing the child.


Safety First!

• Climbing onto objects is a major activity. But a toddler cannot judge heights, so check windows to make sure screens are locked and secure.
• Make sure that your toddler is buckled in the backseat in their car seat every time you go for a ride. Never leave your child alone in the car.


Things Your Child May Do at This Age

• Walk with more direction to their movements and remember familiar places as well as things that happened at those places
• Kick a ball forward without losing balance
• Walk up and down stairs alone (while holding onto the railing)
• Jump and stand on tiptoes
• Understand and follow simple commands
• Point to specific objects they want and tell you that they want them
• Understand longer, harder sentences
• Ask many questions: "what," "where," "why"
• Recognize, name and pick out common objects
• Enjoy music and begin to develop a sense of rhythm


Health Hints

Well-Baby Checkup: 24 months. Make your appointment now! 

Protect your baby physically and emotionally.
• Make sure they feel secure and know that their need for love and comfort will be taken care of.
• Make sure they get enough sleep.
• Make sure they eat nutritious foods each day: milk, fruits, vegetables, meat or cheese, and bread and grains.


Things You Can Do Every Day to Help Your Child Grow

• Play running, jumping and stooping games. For example, play an easy "Simon Says."
• Let them walk up stairs, stack groceries, and climb into a car and into their car seat.
• Go for long walks. Point out and name the things you see.
• String large beads, stack blocks and lace shoes with them. 
• Use simple sentences as examples for them to say.
• Let them listen to music and sounds. Reinforce words such as soft and loud.
• Reinforce words throughout the day. For example, when you put them in their high chair, say, "It's time to eat. Let's sit down in your chair." Use the correct words for objects. Say the words for the objects when your child points to them. Repeating words for your child and linking them to things they can see, touch, hear, see and smell will help them understand words and how to use them.
• Act out "opposite words" such as short and tall; big and little; heavy and light. 
• Allow them to feed and dress themselves. In feeding, start with a spoon and later move to a fork. 
• Allow them to help with simple chores.
• Let them ask for what they want.
• Look at picture books and magazines with them.
• Read to them every day.