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4 Years (51–54 Months): Your Child Learns Through Hands-On Experiences


You can help your child learn and develop self-expression by providing time, space and materials for activities. They will learn more from their senses and their own actions than from being told. Let them use sheets and furniture to build forts and spaceships for all their play friends. Build a tent in the backyard.


Safety First!

• Teach your child how to dial 911 for emergencies.
• Teach them not to accept rides with, or even talk to, strangers. Instruct them not to go anywhere with an adult they do not know well.
• Do not leave them unattended in a public place. 
• Buckle your child in the back seat of the car when you go for a ride—even for short trips. Use a booster seat until they weigh 80 pounds and their head is above the back of the seat.
• If you have firearms in your home, make sure they are unloaded and locked away from children.
• Give them practice in self-protection—act out home fire drills. 
• Talk about what to say and do in different kinds of situations and in emergencies.
• Teach your child that police officers are their friends.

Things Your Child May Do at This Age

• Perform self-help skills such as brushing teeth, combing hair and washing hands
• Copy the letter "T"
• Make a few other letters
• Use a knife and fork
• Make shapes with clay
• Use "forbidden" (swear) words learned from what they hear (TV, videos, adults, other children)
• Know their own sex
• Have a longer attention span
• Listen for up to 20 minutes at a time
• Recite a few nursery rhymes from memory


Snacks That Are Good to Eat and Good for You!

• Tomato slices
• Pineapples
• Grapes
• Melons
• Pickles
• Carrot sticks
• Cheese chunks
• Orange wedges
• Unsalted peanuts (be aware of your child’s food allergies!)
• Dry cereals
• Strawberries
• Bananas
• Peaches
• Apples
• Pears 
• Blueberries


Health Hints

• Regular medical checkups and immunizations help keep your child well.
• Check nutritional information on food packages and go for low-fat foods.
• Check cereal boxes to find a cereal your child likes to eat that has no sugar or is low in sugar. Beware of toaster pop-up and granola bar breakfasts. They are usually high in sugar.
• Be sure your child washes their hands before eating and after using the bathroom.


Things You Can Do Every Day to Help Your Child Grow

• Help your child learn to group objects that are alike. Help them give that group a name. For example: Put out grapes, a banana, an apple and a cereal box. Ask them to put all the things that are alike together and to tell you why they are alike. (The most common answer is "fruit," but do not be surprised if your child gives you another answer. If the answer makes sense, praise them and then show them other ways the objects are alike.)
• Listen to your child's answers to questions. Respond to your child with a positive remark that relates to what they said.
• Encourage your child to play outside and get plenty of exercise.
• Read to your child about foods that help them grow strong.
• If you are in the car or on a bus, point out colors, letters or numbers on signs. Make it a game and ask your child to find a certain color or a certain letter.
• Help your child learn their whole name by repeating it with them. Make it fun. Put it to rhythm by clapping your hands, snapping your fingers or stomping your feet when you say each part of their name. First, do it together; then let them do the movement as they say their name.
• Take your child to the library and sign them up for a library card. Let them look at the books and choose one to take home.