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3 Years (45–48 Months): Your Child Can Do Many Things


It's amazing how much your child has learned by this age! In a short time, they have learned to run, talk, giggle at silly rhymes and do many other tasks. They still need lots of help. They may want to do things that their mind and body are not ready to do yet. Readiness makes learning fun and exciting. On the other hand, they can become frustrated when they try to learn tasks too early.


Things Your Child May Do at This Age

• Hop on one foot
• Catch a bounced ball with both hands
• Use a pair of scissors (blunt-edged)
• Tell name, age and address
• Use complete sentences almost all of the time 
• Speak understandably most of the time 
• Perform self-help skills


Great Play Items:

• Large boxes
• Oatmeal boxes
• Wooden spoons
• Plastic bowls
• Pots and pans
• Brooms

Special Note

At this age, children ask questions about their bodies and those of the other sex. This is a part of the natural growing process. Answer their questions openly and simply so that your child feels good about self and others.

Take time to help your child learn and grow. It is one of the most important things you can do.


Safety First!

• Show your child what to do during an emergency such as a house fire, tornado, etc.
• Throwing and catching balls is a favorite activity. They need supervision to prevent them from running out into unsafe areas such as driveways and streets.
• Provide clothes that allow freedom in moving and shoes that are safe for running and climbing low railings, jungle gyms, bars, trees and other objects.
• Children love to climb up trees and over fences. Your child needs protection from falls by learning how to get sure footholds and proper handholds.
• Continue to teach your child safety habits and provide limits (rules).
• Continue to use car seats. Never leave your child alone in the car.


Health Hints

Well Baby Checkup: 48 months—make your appointment now!
Encourage your child to eat fruits and vegetables. Do not make eating a "tug-of-war" with your child. Mealtimes should be happy times where new foods are tried and you and your child talk to each other.


Things You Can Do Every Day to Help Your Child Grow

• Allow them to talk freely.
• Show them the right way by example.
• Endorse good manners and important health activities such as brushing their teeth and washing their hands.
• Provide opportunities to solve problems.
• Let them count the spaces in a muffin tin while you are cooking.
• Allow them to name items wherever you go and tell you about them.
• Practice catching and throwing overhand with a ball.
• Read them a book of their choice daily.
• Play games such as "tag" and "hide-and-seek."
• Play the game “Bumble Bee” (also called "I Spy") when waiting in line, at the doctor's office or in the car. The rhyme goes like this: "Busy, busy, bumble bee, I see something you don't see. And it's _________." 
(Name a color or shape of an object that you both can see, and  let your child guess until they name the object.)