Community Health Access and Navigation in Tennessee (CHANT) is Helping Families Get the Care They Need


The CHANT program is here to help families and individuals get the medical and social services they need. This program is run through local health departments and is designed to make life easier for families with children and young people who have physical disabilities.

What Does the Chant Program Do?

CHANT focuses on patient care. It helps families navigate through complex systems, like health care and social services. The program connects people with resources that can make a big difference. The Childrens Special Services (CSS) program is an integral part of CHANT and may be able to assist with paying for medical services, co-pay and deductibles for children and youth with physical disabilities. Children's Special Services (CSS) (

What are the Goals of CHANT?

Increase health care visits: The program aims to get more children and youth the regular checkups and dental visits they need.

Improve pregnancy and birth: The program supports pregnant and postpartum women to ensure they and their babies are healthy.

Support overall health: By providing better access to medical homes and other services, the program helps improve the overall well-being of families.

Who can join the program?

·       Pregnant and postpartum adolescents and women

·       Children from birth to 21 years old

·       Children and youth with special health care needs

The CHANT program is in each of the 95 Tennessee County Health Departments. Referrals are accepted from all medical providers and social service agencies.  Self-referrals to CHANT are also accepted. The CHANT referral form may be accessed here.

CHANT is a great resource for families who need extra help managing their health care. It ensures that everyone gets the care they deserve, making it easier to live healthy and happy lives.

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