As any working parent can tell you, the need for a safe learning environment doesn’t necessarily end with the regular school day. But beyond simple childcare, Tennessee’s Extended Learning and Afterschool programs offer education and enrichment activities that make learning fun.
Lottery for Education: Afterschool Programs (LEAPs)
The Lottery for Education: Afterschool Programs (LEAPs) offer at-risk students quality academic enrichment activities using unclaimed lottery prize winnings. Designed to support and strengthen the regular classwork of participating students, these programs cover core subjects such as reading, math and science, but also may offer opportunities to explore new interests and develop healthy lifestyles. Most students receive services an average of 15 hours per week.
These services may include:
- Reading skills development and enhancement
- Math or science skills development and enhancement
- Computer literacy and skills development
- Academic mentoring or tutorial assistance
- Sports or leisure opportunities
Eligible participants must be 5–18 years of age and enrolled in elementary or secondary school. Plus, 50 percent of students enrolled must also meet one of the following criteria:
- Qualify for free/reduced lunch
- Be at risk of educational disadvantage and failure due to circumstances of abuse, neglect or disability
- Be at risk of state custody due to family dysfunction
- Be enrolled in and attending a public school failing to make adequate yearly progress (AYP)
- Be attending a public school, including a public charter school, instead of a public school failing to make AYP as a result of parent choice
- Be at risk of failing one or more subjects or are behind grade level by at least one year
21st Century Community Learning Centers
The 21st Century Community Learning Centers offer a variety of academic enrichment opportunities designed to support and strengthen the regular classwork of low-income students and their families.
Funded through a competitive grant program, these Centers were designed to assist those who attend schools with a high concentration of low-income students. The Centers are usually housed in elementary or secondary schools, but may be set up in any location that is at least as available and accessible as the school. Programs also must include a plan for safely transporting students to and from the Center and home.
Working directly with schools, the Centers offer academic services during nonschool hours or during those times when school is closed—such as before and after school, or during summer break.
These services may include:
- Remedial education
- Academic enrichment
- Math and Science activities
- Arts and Music activities
- Limited English Proficient classes
- Tutoring and Mentoring programs
- Assistance to students who have been truant, suspended or expelled
- Recreational activities
- Technology programs and telecommunications
- Expanded library hours
- Parent involvement and family literacy activities
- Drug and Violence Prevention
- Counseling programs
- Character education
- Entrepreneurial education