The Children’s Special Services (CSS) program provides medical care for children with physical disabilities from birth to 21 years of age. The program is coordinated through the local health departments in all 95 Tennessee counties and provides resources for medical and nonmedical services. The program may pay for the following services:
• Diagnostic evaluation
• Hospitalization
• Rehabilitation services
• Pharmacy services
• Speech and language therapy
• Hearing aids
• Medical and surgical treatment
• Physical and occupational therapy
• Braces and artificial limbs
• Durable medical equipment (wheelchairs and walkers, etc.)
Eligibility Requirements:
▪ Residency: Must be a resident of the state of Tennessee
▪ Income: 200 percent of the federal poverty level or less
▪ Age: Birth to age 21
▪ Diagnosis: Child must have eligible diagnosis
Here’s How CSS Can Help You and Your Special-Needs Child:
• Families of Children and Youth With Special Health Care Needs partner in decision-making at all levels.
• All children and youth receive coordinated, ongoing, comprehensive care through a medical provider.
• All families of children and youth receive adequate private and or public insurance to pay for
the services they need.
• All children are screened early and continuously for special healthcare needs.
• Community-based services for children, youth and their families are organized in ways that families can easily use.
• All youth with special healthcare needs will receive the services necessary to make appropriate transitions to adult healthcare, work and independence.
How to Find Services:
Contact your local health department to complete an application for eligibility determination. General information is also available by calling 615-741-7353.
For More Program Information:
▪ Call: 615-741-7353
▪ Email: